Array of OutputInstance
representing the inputs of the transaction.
Array of OutputInstance
representing the outputs of the transaction.
signaturesPerInput: PartialSig[][]Optional array of arrays containing signatures. The outer array corresponds to each input in the transaction. The inner array contains signatures for each public key associated with the respective input.
If provided, enables calculation of exact signature sizes. Defaults to assuming 72 bytes per signature. Mainly used for testing and accurate fee estimation.
The computed virtual size (vsize) of the transaction, rounded up to the nearest integer.
NOTE: When the descriptor in an input is addr(address)
, it is assumed
that any addr(SH_TYPE_ADDRESS)
is in fact a Segwit SH_WPKH
(Script Hash-Witness Public Key Hash).
For inputs using arbitrary scripts (not standard addresses),
use a descriptor in the format sh(MINISCRIPT)
const vsizeValue = vsize(
[new Output({ descriptor: 'addr(...)' })], // inputs
[new Output({ descriptor: 'addr(...)' })] // outputs
); for details on OutputInstance and descriptors.
Computes the virtual size (vsize) of a Bitcoin transaction based on specified inputs and outputs.