• Seeks a selection of UTXOs that does not necessitate the creation of change. Although the function signature matches that of the standard coinselect, requiring a remainder, change is never generated. The remainder is used to assess if hypothetical change would NOT be considered dust, thereby rendering the solution unviable.


    • This function does not reorder UTXOs prior to selection.
    • UTXOs that do not provide enough value to cover their respective fee contributions are automatically excluded.

    Refer to coinselect for additional details on input parameters and expected returned values.


    • __namedParameters: {
          utxos: OutputWithValue[];
          targets: OutputWithValue[];
          remainder: {};
          feeRate: number;
          dustRelayFeeRate?: number;
      • utxos: OutputWithValue[]
      • targets: OutputWithValue[]
      • remainder: {}

        This is the hypotetical change that this algo will check it would never be needed

        • feeRate: number
        • Optional dustRelayFeeRate?: number

      Returns undefined | {
          utxos: OutputWithValue[];
          targets: OutputWithValue[];
          fee: number;
          vsize: number;