• Coin selection algorithms in this library throw errors for targets below the dustThreshold to prevent creation of transactions that Bitcoin nodes may not relay. Ensure your targets are equal or above dust with this function.

    The default DUST_RELAY_FEE_RATE matches Bitcoin Core's. Changing it isn't recommended.

    "Dust" is defined in terms of dustRelayFee, measured in satoshis-per-byte (it differs from Bitcoin Core's measurement in satoshis-per-kilobyte). If you'd pay more in fees than the value of the output to spend something, then we consider it dust.

    Examples: A typical spendable non-segwit output is 34 bytes big, and will need an input of at least 148 bytes to spend: TX_INPUT_BASE + TX_INPUT_PUBKEYHASH = (32 + 4 + 1 + 4) + 107 = 148 so dust is a spendable output less than (34 + 148) * dustRelayFeeRate = 182 * dustRelayFee (in satoshis). 546 satoshis at the default DUST_RELAY_FEE_RATE of 3 sat/vB.

    A typical spendable segwit P2WPKH output is 31 bytes big, and will need an input of at least 67.75 bytes to spend, 68, rounded up: so dust is a spendable output less than 98 * dustRelayFee (in satoshis). 297 satoshis at the default DUST_RELAY_FEE_RATE of 3 sat/vB.

    Note: Bitcoin Core contains a rounding error (rounds down instead of up) that generates an incorrect dust threshold for Segwit (294). See: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/issues/3946#issuecomment-890222512.

    We rather return the correct value (rounding up) which, in fact, is safer should Bitcoin Core fix the problem in the future.

    See Bitcoin Core implementation here: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/d752349029ec7a76f1fd440db2ec2e458d0f3c99/src/policy/policy.cpp#L26


    • output: {}

      The Output instance for which the dust threshold is computed

      • dustRelayFeeRate: number = DUST_RELAY_FEE_RATE

        Fee rate (in sats/byte) used to define dust, the value of an output such that it will cost more than its value in fees at this fee rate to spend it.

        Default Value


      Returns number