Type alias IndexedDescriptor

IndexedDescriptor: string

A string representing an indexed descriptor for ranged descriptors or a descriptor followed by a separator and the keyword "non-ranged".

An IndexedDescriptor is a descriptor representation what must correspond to a single output.

  • If it is ranged, then add an integer after the separaror (a tilde "~").
  • It it is non-ranged, add the string "non-ranged" after the tilde "~".

Examples: pkh([73c5da0a/44'/1'/0']tpubDC5FSnBiZDMmhiuCmWAYsLwgLYrrT9rAqvTySfuCCrgsWz8wxMXUS9Tb9iVMvcRbvFcAHGkMD5Kx8koh4GquNGNTfohfk7pgjhaPCdXpoba/0/*)~12 pkh([73c5da0a/44'/1'/0']tpubDC5FSnBiZDMmhiuCmWAYsLwgLYrrT9rAqvTySfuCCrgsWz8wxMXUS9Tb9iVMvcRbvFcAHGkMD5Kx8koh4GquNGNTfohfk7pgjhaPCdXpoba)~non-ranged