• Constructs a key expression string for a Ledger device from the provided components.

    This function assists in crafting key expressions tailored for Ledger hardware wallets. It fetches the master fingerprint and xpub for a specified origin path and then combines them with the input parameters.

    For detailed understanding and examples of terms like originPath, change, and keyPath, refer to the documentation of ParseKeyExpression, which consists of the reverse procedure.


    • __namedParameters: {
          ledgerManager: LedgerManager;
          originPath: string;
          change?: number;
          index?: number | "*";
          keyPath?: string;
      • ledgerManager: LedgerManager
      • originPath: string
      • Optional change?: number
      • Optional index?: number | "*"
      • Optional keyPath?: string

    Returns Promise<string>

    • The formed key expression for the Ledger device.